During the 19th Festival of Science and the Arts in Kraków (16-18 May) Main Market Square in Krakow once again becomes the Scientific Festival Village with tents hosted by Cracovian universities and institutions holding meetings, workshops and demonstrations. The following lectures and presentations have been prepared by the Department of Computer Science:


17th of May, 2019 ; Building D17 Center of Computer Science; room 1.38; 11:15 - 11:45

The lecture will discuss the latest achievements in artificial intelligence related to applications in robotics (including autonomous cars, an automatic scientist and a humanoid robot). In particular, machine learning methods and neural networks, to which we owe tremendous progress, will be taken into account. A humanoid robot named Pepper will conduct a job interview.


18th of May, 2019; Main Market Square Krakow 11:00 - 17:00

1. Internet of Things devices that are designed and build at the AGH University of Science and Technology. The presentation will allow you to become familiar with the ways of controlling and monitoring items in our environment using common embedded platforms. Additionally, the processing possibilities and uses of the collected data will be shown.

2.During the presentation, participants will receive information on modern techniques and contemporary development directions of computer simulations based on the finite element method (FEM). Furthermore, participants will find out how nowadays self-learning algorithms have a range of applications. 

For more information please go to:



  • 5 years, 7 months ago