Institute of Computer Science AGH and IBM Software Laboratory in Krakow invite to Krakow Quantum Informatics Seminar (KQIS)

•    understand and discuss current problems in quantum informatics,
•    discuss new quantum computing technologies,
•    exchange ideas and research results,
•    integrate information across different research teams,
•    build a community around quantum informatics.
Venue:  via Internet, Webex

Program: Tuesday, 24th of May 2022, 9:35-11:00 Piotr Kotara and Tomasz Zawadzki, 

Institute of Computer Science AGH, Krakow, PL

Topic: Software-aided analysis of quantum games


Abstract: In this presentation we will consider various aspects of analysis of quantum games in EWL protocol [1] on the example of Quantum Prisoner's Dilemma [2]. We will present both symbolic and numerical approach towards searching for Nash equilibria in pure strategies as well as finding the best response cycles which lead to the existence of Nash equilibria in mixed states [3]. We will also introduce a Python library for symbolic analysis of quantum games in EWL protocol with Qiskit integration. Finally, we will demonstrate how to run a quantum game on a real quantum IBM Q device.

[1] Eisert, Jens, Martin Wilkens, and Maciej Lewenstein. "Quantum games and quantum strategies." , Physical Review Letters 83.15 (1999): 3077.
[2] Frąckiewicz, Piotr, and Jarosław Pykacz. "Quantum games with strategies induced by basis change rules." International Journal of Theoretical Physics 56.12 (2017): 4017-4028
[3] Szopa, Marek. "Dlaczego w dylemat więźnia warto grać kwantowo?." Studia Ekonomiczne 178 (2014): 174-189.


Piotr Kotara is currently studying Computer Science AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland. In his master thesis he is conducting research in the domain of quantum game theory. His research interests include quantum computing and cloud development. He currently works as a Senior Software Engineer at IBM.

Tomasz Zawadzki is currently studying Computer Science AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Poland. His research interests include quantum computing, theoretical computer science and mobile development. In his master's thesis he is conducting research on computer-aided analysis of quantum games. He currently works as a Software Engineer at Software Mansion.

  • 2 years, 9 months ago