The Polish Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PP-RAI) will be held on 18-20 April 2024 at the Warsaw University of Technology. It is one of the largest scientific and business events on Artificial Intelligence in Poland.

We would like to invite academics, PhD students, ambitious students and business representatives carrying out research/development work in the field of Artificial Intelligence to participate.

Academics are invited to submit abstracts (2-page abstract) or full papers (4-6 pages). Business representatives are encouraged to submit one-page abstracts of business projects.

The deadline for all types of papers is 11 February 2024.

Submitted papers will be subject to peer review. All accepted papers will be presented by the authors in poster sessions during the conference, and selected papers will additionally be presented as oral presentations. In addition, authors of the best of the submitted papers will have the opportunity to submit extended versions of their papers to special issues dedicated to PP-RAI'2024, in internationally recognised journals.

Detailed information about the conference and the mode of submitting papers can be found on the event website:


  • 1 year ago