The Krakow subsidiary of EPAM Systems is willing to offer a 3-month paid internship program for 5 students. During the internship, selected candidates will undergo intensive training in Java programming. Working in teams, on practical tasks, trainees will also become acquainted with the standards and practices (both technical and organizational) applied and used during the execution of IT projects at EPAM, one of the largest global IT companies.
From a technical point of view, the internship and training program includes (but is not limited) to:

Object – oriented programming

Test – driven development

Developer’s tools

Algorithms and data structures

Elements of functional programming

Domain – Driven Design

Data persistence

Spring Framework

Unit and Functional testing

Team collaboration practices and tools

Elements of continuous integration and continuous delivery practices and tools

Prerequisite skills and knowledge for the program include:

• Fundamentals and principles of object-oriented programming

• Fundamentals and principles of Java

• Java API including

- Utility classes for working with basic types (String, Integer, DateTime etc.)

- Collections (Java Collection Framework) o Streams (java.util.Stream)

- Input / output

• Fundamentals of Git, Maven and Junit / TestNG

Interested students are kindly requested to provide their resumes by 10 July 2021 to: Agata Kosma Tel. 12 881 10 05 ext. 75359

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  • 3 lata, 8 miesięcy temu