Zapraszamy na Krakow Quantum Informatics Seminar organizowane wspólnie przez Instytut Informatyki AGH i IBM Software Lab Kraków. Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek 15.03.2022 w godzinach 9:35-11:00 via Internet, Webex

W programie: 

Artur Stabrawa oraz William Clements , ORCA Computing

Temat: Photonic Quantum Computing using NISQ boson sampler



Founded in 2019, ORCA Computing ltd. are pioneers in photonic quantum computing. ORCA is building a unique, room-temperature, photonic quantum computing platform through use of their proprietary quantum memory technology. In doing so ORCA aims to tackle the largest challenges faced by the photonic quantum computing community, and to build scalable, universal photonic quantum computer.

This presentation will highlight the progress and a roadmap of a near-term photonic device that ORCA has built and provides to users, nurturing early-experience with quantum computing. It will also highlight key capabilities of the ORCA system simulator and an SDK along with preliminary benchmarking results within Machine Learning [1], like optimization and image recognition applications.

[1] Kamil Bradler, Hugo Wallner, Certain properties and applications of shallow bosonic circuits, arXiv:2112.09766,


Artur Stabrawa holds a PhD in Physics from Jagiellonian University and has experience in developing photonic and quantum devices both in academia (University of Birmingham, UK) and industry (UK, Poland).

William Clements holds a PhD in Physics from Oxford University and has extensive experience in quantum software development. He is co-authoring over 20 publications in machine learning, integrated photonics, and quantum optics.

  • 3 lata temu