Zapraszamy na Krakow Quantum Informatics Seminar organizowane wspólnie przez Instytut Informatyki AGH i IBM Software Lab Kraków. Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek 29.03.2022 w godzinach 9:35-11:00 via Internet, Webex

W programie: Ludmila Botelho ,Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gliwice, PL

Temat: Applications of Quantum Annealing to Music Theory



An alternative model of computation is adiabatic quantum computing (AQC). A heuristic algorithm known as quantum annealing running in the framework of AQC is a promising method for solving optimization problems. In this talk, we approach music composition and music reduction using quantum annealing. We formulate music composition as an optimization problem, and we describe the fundamental methodologies needed for generating different aspects of music including melody, rhythm, and harmony. The music reduction problem is the process that reduces the number of tracks in a multi-instrument music piece so that the resulting music consists of less number of tracks while preserving the characteristics of the original song. We present a Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization formulation to select the parts of the music that are more relevant by quantifying the information each part contains through their information entropy.

The slides presented at this talk are available at:

Bio: Ludmila Botelho is a doctoral student at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences under supervision of Professor Jarosław Adam Miszczak. Botelho is currently working in quantum error mitigation and music reduction problem using quantum annealing.

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