Zapraszamy na Krakow Quantum Informatics Seminar organizowane wspólnie przez Katedrę Informatyki AGH i IBM Software Lab Kraków. Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek 21.04.2020 w godzinach 9:30-11:00 via Internet, Webex.

W programie: 

Barbara Pałka, ABB PG Technology Center

Temat: Design of experiments with classical and quantum orthogonal arrays



In the paper of Dardo Goyenecho, Sara Di Martino, Zahra Raissi and Karol Życzkowski [1] several classes of quantum combinatorial designs, namely quantum Latin squares, cubes, hypercubes and the notion of orthogonality between them were introduced. A further introduced notion, quantum orthogonal arrays, generalizes all previous classes of design. I will briefly discuss it and show one of the application of orthogonal arrays, i.e. the design of experiments, showing usage of classical and quantum orthogonal arrays.



  • 4 lata, 9 miesięcy temu