Zapraszamy na Krakow Quantum Informatics Seminar organizowane wspólnie przez Instytut Informatyki AGH i IBM Software Lab Kraków. Spotkanie odbędzie się we wtorek 8.06.2021 w godzinach 9:30-10:30 via Internet, Webex

W programie: 

Kamil Wereszczyński, Department of Computer Graphics, Vision and Digital Systems Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland

Temat: LOOK – The laboratory of quantum computation based on optical phenomena



Quantum optical phenomena can be used for quantum computation in various ways. In our speech we would like to present two known protocols designed for such computations: KLM presented by Kneel et al in [1] and GKP by Gottesman et al in [2]. This two schemes utilizes the linear optics phenomena and SPDC (Couteau in [3]) for creating entangled photon pairs. Third schema, designed by ourselves for making computations on laser light based qudits, where d is a power of 2. We will present the three schemes, discuss theirs limitations and the perspective of development in quantum computation based on quantum phenomena of laser light.
We will also present LOOK – the new laboratory for optical based quantum computation – its equipment, research plans and cooperation opportunities. At the end of the day we will introduce our new Quantum Computation Science Club being formed in Gliwice.


[1]          E. Knill, R. Laflamme, i G. J. Milburn, „A scheme for efficient quantum computation with linear optics”, Nature, t. 409, nr 6816, s. 46–52, sty. 2001, doi: 10.1038/35051009.

[2]          D. Gottesman, A. Kitaev, i J. Preskill, „Encoding a qubit in an oscillator”, Phys. Rev. A, t. 64, nr 1, s. 012310, cze. 2001, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.64.012310.

[3]          C. Couteau, „Spontaneous parametric down-conversion”, Contemporary Physics, t. 59, nr 3, s. 291–304, lip. 2018, doi: 10.1080/00107514.2018.1488463.

  • 3 lata, 8 miesięcy temu