1. Tematyka - If you are a student familiar with Scala, Golang or TypeScript and eager to devote some time to gain experience, solve challenging problems, or create solutions, we have a paid summer internship at VirtusLab for you to offer.
2. Technologie - Scala, TypeScript, Golang
3. Czas trwania - 3 months with possibility of employment after the internship ends
4. Dla ilu osób - Scala: 6 positions, Golang: 1 position, TypeScript: 2 positions
5. Kontakt - Natalia Lorek: nlorek@virtuslab.com
Julia Jeleśniańska: jjelesnianska@virtuslab.com 

Application forms on https://virtuslab.com/internships-2021/ 

  • 3 lata, 11 miesięcy temu