Serdecznie zapraszamy na wykład prof. Christophe Royon z Kansas University w USA.

Termin: 3 października (czwartek), godz. 18:30
Sala: 1.38, Budynek D-17

Title: The Large Hadron Collider and the proton structure: from the odderon discovery to the search for dark matter in the universe

After describing the Large Hadron Collider , the highest energy proton-proton collider in the world, located at CERN, Switzerland, we will describe briefly the proton structure. Strange events appear everyday at the LHC where protons are intact after interaction. Comparing proton proton at the LHC and proton-antiproton at the Tevatron, Batavia, USA, led to the important discovery of the odderon. We will finish by showing how these kinds of events are also sensitive to dark matter in the universe and by describing the applications of our detectors to cosmic ray exploration and cancer treatment. These applications require advanced computing online techniques to be further developed.

Profesor Christophe Royon jest francusko-amerykańskim fizykiem, który specjalizuje się w ciemnej materii. Jest profesorem Foundation Distinguished Professor na Wydziale Fizyki i Astronomii na University of Kansas. Współpracuje z AGH od wielu lat w ramach eksperymentów CMS i TOTEM w CERN.


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